Compatible Part Numbers:
GM456,PA-1450-01D,LA45NS0-00,PA-20,0JHJX0,JHJX0,44PV8,312-1307,LA45NM121,FA45NE1-00,3RG0T,03RG0T,PA-1450-66D1,450-18463,RFRWK, JHJX0, 312-1307,JT9DM
Compatible with Dell Laptop Models:
XPS 13 Ultrabook
XPS L321X, XPS L322X, XPS 13D-138, XPS 13D-148, XPS 13D-3508, XPS 13D-3608, XPS 13D-3708,
XPS 13D-4501, XPS 13D-4508, XPS 13D-4608, XPS 13D-4701, XPS 13D-4708,
XPS 13D-5501, XPS 13D-5508, XPS 13D-5608, XPS 13D-5708
XPS 13-L321X Ultrabook, XPS 13-6928SLV Ultrabook, XPS 13-4040SLV Ultrabook
XPS13 -4040SLV, XPS13 -6928SLV, XPS13 -0015SLV
XPS13 -4002SLV, XPS13 L321X, XPS13 L322X
XPS13D-138, XPS13D-148, XPS13 321X-0267
XPS13 321X-2891, XPS13 321X-2120, XPS13 321X-0274
XPS 12 Ultrabook, XPS L221X, XPS Duo 12-9Q23,
XPS 12D-1501, XPS 12D-1508, XPS 12D-1701,
XPS 12D-1708, XPS 12D-2501,
XPS 12D-2508, XPS 12D-2701, XPS 12D-2708.
Ultrabook XPS 12, XPS 13 doesn’t affiliate with any of the manufacturers listed. Any registered trademarks or model names listed above are identified as purposes of showing compatibility only.
The pictures are for illustration purposes only.
This is a compatible battery. It is not manufactured by Dell.
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